Monday, September 13, 2010

First sewing room 'revealing' and madly quilting

Here it is - the first reorganised, sorted space in my sewing room/creative space. I know it's only a small area, but positive thinking - it's a start:) 
I love the old treadle machine but don't use it and at one point used to have my machine sitting on top of it but it was at totally the wrong height to work at. So now it can hold my baskets, which in turn hold my fabric scraps and patterns. The one on the pedal has my stash of new and vintage buttons.
The cape on my big torso is one the team at school made for me a couple of years ago when I finally completed the last few papers for my degree and graduated. It is very much 'me', covered in bright funky paper flowers.
The wee, blue suitcase was my first schoolbag - I remember swinging around with it on about my third day at school and hitting a girl in the mouth and knocking her tooth out!!!!! The nuns were not impressed. I've yet to decide what to store in that. Above it is a sewing basket I have had since I was a young girl, and perched atop that is a little tin sewing machine I used when I was a girl. Many a seam was hand cranked with that little treasure. It's past it's use by date now, but I do love it.
So that's possibly 1/6th of the room sorted. 

As for what else I've been doing ....... still waiting to hear about the job I applied for...... 
found this bright, rainbow mat at the op shop

which I think my lappy quite likes sitting on while I work on it in the dining room. Certainly makes tapping away a lot brighter:)
Then there has been the mission to de-fabricate an old lampshade that Gran gave me. Man has that ever been a mission.

Ripping the fabric off was fine, but the problem was the it seemed to be almost glued as well as stitched to the metal edges. SO I soaked it all day on Friday in a hot bath, then spent more time picking and peeling. FINALLY I managed to have success. My plan is now to wire and bead it and make a funky sort of chandelier for my creative space. Watch this space.
Oh, and in amongst all this was our midnight trip to Hamilton to collect our son from the airport after his 5 months working in Jakarta. Was lovely to see him, even if he was the last one to get through customs as they decided they would check every single item of his - and I mean every single item!!!! We were literally the last people to leave the airport at 1.45am, so didn't get home until 3.30. Ah, but he's worth it.
And since Saturday I've been madly working on putting together some blocks I got back from a block swap....... but more on that in a couple of days.......


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